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Aggregate properties





The operation "Aggregate Properties" allows you to add values of similar properties together and write (or add) the result into the chosen parent element's properties. It also allows you to define the scope of aggregation and whether to update the properties of all the sub-elements or not.

To aggregate properties

1.Ensure you have the ABACUS file, containing your populated architecture, open.

2.Right-click on an element (an architecture, a component or a connection) in which to do the aggregation and select Aggregate Properties.

3.Choose one of the Aggregate Options (Traverse All Sub-Levels or Only Direct Sub-Level). If you have chosen Traverse All Sub-Levels, you may also choose the option whether to Update Sub-Levels.

oTraverse All Sub-Levels means that the scope of aggregation will include the elements in all the levels under your chosen element.

oUpdate Sub-Levels can only be done if you have also chosen the option Traverse All Sub-Levels. This means that while you aggregate properties from the bottom up, the aggregate result at every level will also be updated into each of the corresponding elements.

oOnly Direct Sub-Level means that only the properties of the elements directly below the chosen element will be aggregated.

oSelect Include Standard Properties if you want the properties defined in the standards to be included. Otherwise, only the properties unique to each component instance will be used.

4.Choose which properties you wish to aggregate. They are grouped into their Types.

5.Click the Next button.

6.Choose the option whether to Overwrite Values or Add Values into the chosen element.

oOverwrite Values will write the results directly into the properties of the chosen element.

oAdd Values will add the results to the existing properties of the chosen element.

See Also

Adding preset properties to a component, connection or type | Changing the properties of a component, connection or type | Evaluating your architecture


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