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Undo and redo





Like many modern applications, ABACUS supports the ability to both undo and redo recent user changes made to an open project. To undo the most recent change, simply activate the undo command. Changes that have been undone can be redone by activating the redo command; re-applying the most recently undone change.


Undone changes are not able to be reapplied if further changes are made to the project since being undone.


While the vast majority of changes support undo/redo in real-time, some diagram stencil changes, such as creating a new Type-Shape/Line association or changing an association colour attribute, are not able to be undone immediately. In these cases, the modified Diagram (indicated by an asterisk) must be closed before these changes can be undone.

Undo and Redo command locations

The undo and redo commands may be accessed from three different locations:

the Edit menu

the Standard toolbar

the keyboard shortcut keys CTRL + Z (undo) and CTRL + Y (redo)


The undo and redo buttons on the standard toolbar provide dropdown lists displaying the 10 most recent changes that can be undone and have been redone respectively. They are also a handy way to undo/redo multiple changes at once.


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