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Changing a component/connection's Type





Component and connection types are mainly used for classification purposes. You can use types as filters when viewing your architecture. For instance, instead of viewing the whole thing, you could view just Application components.

To change a component/connection's Type

1.Right-click on the component or connection.

2.Select Change Type.

3.Choose a different type from the list.


When you change the Type, you may get some new standards or properties (whatever is associated with the Type - see the Types branch of the tree). Your existing standards and properties will remain unchanged. You can create your own new types and assign your own combinations of standards and properties to them.


When you rename a connection type, all of the connections of that type that are the same name will also be renamed, and when you change a connections type and that particular connection has the same name as the type its name will also be updated to its changed connection type.

See Also

Creating a new Type | Populating your architecture - Overview | Analysing your architecture


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