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Viewing a 3D diagram





ABACUS allows you to view your architecture as a 3D view where component and connection properties are associated with colours, shapes, and sizes and export it in .vrml format.

To view a 3D view of your architecture

1.Ensure you have open the ABACUS file containing your populated architecture.

2.Expand the Views branch of the tree.

3.Expand the 3D branch of the tree.

4.Double-click the visualisation you want to open.

- or -

1.Ensure you have open the ABACUS file containing your populated architecture.

2.Select Insert | 3D or click the toolbar button.

3.Create a new visualisation:

Select the Architecture you want to view from the pull-down menu.

Select the Components and Connections you want to include in the diagram from the standard element selection window.

Associate colours, shapes and sizes with Component Types and Properties.

Associate colours and shapes with Connection Types and Properties.

To export a 3D view

1.Ensure you have open an existing 3D view.

2.In the 3D view's pull-down menus select File | Export... and chose the location for the visualisation file.

3.Click Save.

See Also

Analysing your architecture | Navigation in 3D |  The Diagramming Tool


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