Navigation: Analysing your architecture > 3D diagrams >

Navigation in a 3D diagram





ABACUS allows you to easily navigate through your architecture in 3D. The experience is similar to flying. There are two modes of navigation:

Basic Control Mode (Default); and

Advanced Control Mode - change to this mode by selecting Control | Advanced Control Mode.


To switch between Basic Control and Advanced Control Modes, you can use the F4 keyboard shortcut functionality.

Basic Control Mode

Holding the Left Button and moving the mouse forward or back changes the pitch;

Holding the Left Button and moving the mouse left or right changes the yaw;

Holding the Right Button and moving the mouse pans the view;

Holding both buttons down and moving the mouse forward or back, zooms in and out of the architecture; and

Holding both buttons down and moving the mouse left or right, rolls left and right.

- or -

Pressing the Left Arrow on the keyboard or numeric keypad will turn left;

Pressing the Right Arrow on the keyboard or numeric keypad will turn right;

Pressing the Up Arrow on the keyboard or numeric keypad will zoom in;

Pressing the Down Arrow on the keyboard or numeric keypad will zoom out;

Pressing Page Up on the keyboard or numeric keypad will pitch up; and

Pressing Page Down on the keyboard or numeric keypad will pitch down.

Advanced Control Mode

Moving the mouse forward and back, and up and down, changes the pitch and yaw (respectively);

Pressing W or Up Arrow zooms in (forward) to the architecture;

Pressing S or Down Arrow zooms out (backward) from the architecture;

Pressing A or Left Arrow rolls to the left;

Pressing D or Right Arrow rolls to the right;

Pressing Q or Page Down elevates the view (by lowering the perspective); and

Pressing E or Page Up lowers the view (by elevating the perspective).

Interactive Control Mode

Pressing and holding the shift key on the keyboard overrides the current mode (Basic or Advanced) to enter the interactive control mode. In this mode the following is possible:

Roll the mouse cursor over a component or connection to see the component or connection's name;

Click on a component to zoom in on that component;

Click-and-drag on a component to rotate the view around that component; and

Right-click a component, connection or empty space in the diagram and select Show In Explorer to see that component, connection or diagrams location in the tree.

Common controls

Use ALT-ENTER/ESC to toggle full screen mode;

Use F2 to change the display mode. This can also be accessed in the View Menu.

Use the mouse wheel or +/- to change the speed. The speed is indicated by a number in the lower left hand corner - shown only when it is changing. 1 is slowest and 100 is fastest.


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