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Command Line options





You can perform various ABACUS operations directly from the command line with the most common operation being to open a specific project file and publish it to HTML.

Specifically, the command line usage of ABACUS is as follows;


ABACUS.exe ProjectFile [OptionalFile] [/exitOnCompletion] [/dontShowDialogs] [/user "USERNAME" /pass "PASSWORD"][/noApi][/noAutoCommit][/svnUser "USERNAME" /svnPass "PASSWORD"]






The ProjectFile can be either an ABACUS project file (.abacus), library file (.abacuslib), XML file (.xml) or MS Access DB (.mdb) and the specified file will either be opened (if .abacus or .abacuslib) or a new project created (if .xml or .mdb file).


The OptionalFile can be either a Project Script (no extensions), an ABACUS script (.abacusscript, .vb or .cs), library file (.abacuslib), project algorithm (no extensions) or an ABACUS algorithm (.xml) and the specified file will either be run after opening the ProjectFile (if .abacusscript, .vb or .cs or .abacusmac) or simply opened (if .abacuslib).


Will exit ABACUS and if required save and commit any changes to the open .abacus projects on the completion of any script.  Note:  This flag is Case Sensitive so be sure to use an uppercase 'O' and 'C' in the text as shown.


Will prevent ABACUS Collaboration update notification dialogs from showing upon opening a project.  Note:  This flag is Case Sensitive so be sure to use an uppercase 'S' and 'D' in the text as shown.

/user "USERNAME" /pass "PASSWORD"

The username USERNAME and password PASSWORD will be used to log in to the project with, overriding any saved user credentials.  Note: Double quotes must be placed around the USERNAME and PASSWORD flags and two double quotes may be used to escape double quotes in either the USERNAME or PASSWORD flags.


Will prevent the OData Web API service from starting up.


Disables automatic comitting of changes made from Web API.

 /svnUser "USERNAME" /svnPass "PASSWORD"

The svnUsername USERNAME and svnPassword PASSWORD will specifiy the credentials with which to authenticate with SVN, overriding any save svn credentials. Note: Double quotes must be placed around the USERNAME and PASSWORD flags and two double quotes may be used to escape double quotes in either the USERNAME or PASSWORD flags.




ABACUS.exe "Data\Example.abacus" "Scripts\PublishExample.vb" /exitOnCompletion /dontShowDialogs /user "Public" /pass "123456"

when run from the directory where the ABACUS.exe binary is located will open the Example project and log in as user Public with password 123456 (as described here), publish it to HTML and then close the project all without showing any dialogs along the way (e.g. 'Update Successful' or 'No updates available' for Collaboration projects).


ABACUS.exe "Data\Example.abacus" "Scripts\Catalogue Excel Import.vb" /exitOnCompletion /dontShowDialogs

when run from the directory where the ABACUS.exe binary is located will open the Example project and import the "Servers (2014 Actual).xlsx" MS Excel file into the 'Servers' catalogue of the '2014 Actual' architecture of the project without showing any dialogs along the way and then closing the project on completion.  If the operation makes changes to the project then when closing the changes are saved locally and if an Collaboration project committed to the Collaboration Server.


ABACUS.Console.exe "Data\Example.abacus" "APM Calculations"

when run from the directory where the ABACUS.exe binary is located will open the Example project and calculate the APM of the applications of the objectmodel with a project script called "APM Calculations".


Be sure to use the correct double quote character as there are several in the standard ASCII character set and the Windows Command Prompt will only work correctly with the correct one.  The correct double quote character code is Decimal 34 (Hexadecimal 22).  This is what is used in the example above so feel free to copy/paste it from there.


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