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Installation Pre-Requisites





Information Regarding Visio Import and Excel Import/Export

ABACUS requires that Microsoft Office be installed in order to perform Excel Import/Export and Visio Import operations. Please verify that Microsoft Office 2003 or newer is installed correctly, otherwise see below on how to be able to export/import without Microsoft Office 2003 or newer. If you experience further problems, contact Avolution Support.

In order to perform Visio Import and Excel Import/Export operations, ABACUS uses the Microsoft Office Primary Interop Assemblies (PIA's). ABACUS currently comes packaged with the assemblies necessary to perform Excel Import/Export and Visio Import.

Information Regarding SQL Server Import

ABACUS requires that Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or newer is installed in order to start a new project from SQL Server. Please verify that Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or newer is installed correctly. If you experience further problems, contact Avolution Support.

Errors Opening 3D Visualisations

If the ABACUS 3D Viewer does not work for you, you may be missing the SlimDX DirectX Runtime (installed as part of the full ABACUS EXE install). This can be downloaded here. If you have a 64bit version of Windows, you may also need to install this.

Errors Editing ABACUS Reports

Editing ABACUS' Reports requires Report Builder 3.0 (2016) to be installed. You can download it here.

Errors using ServiceNow, Technopedia, 3D Viewer and exporting/importing with Catalogues, Matrices and Google Sheets

ABACUS makes use of the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 update to support several features including the export/import of Catalogues and Matrices(in Microsoft .xlsx format), Google Sheets, 3D viewer, Technopedia and ServiceNow. This can be downloaded here. If you experience further problems, contact Avolution Support.


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