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Expanding and collapsing the tree





When a node in the tree contains sub-components and collections, it will have a small  or  sign at its left. You can click the  to expand the node and see its sub-components and connections. Similarly, you can click the  to collapse the node to hide the sub-components and connections (in order to make more room or make the tree easier to understand).

Alternatively, you can expand an entire node, in which case all of its sub-nodes will also be expanded, and their sub-nodes, and theirs... etc. Similarly, you can collapse an entire node - closing multiple levels at once.

Additionally, there are the options to expand only the architectures, elements (i.e. components and connections), components or connections.

To expand or collapse an entire node (and its sub-nodes, etc.)

1.Right-click on the node.

2.Select Expand | All or Collapse.

To expand all of an architecture(s)

1.Right-click on Architectures or an architecture.

2.Select Expand | All.

To expand elements

1.Right-click on Architectures or an architecture.

2.Select Expand | Elements.

To expand components

1.Right-click on Components, a component or a sub-component.

2.Select Expand | Components | All.

To expand connections

1.Right-click on Connections, a connection or a sub-connection.

2.Select Expand | Connections | All.


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