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Finding and replacing items in your architecture





You can find and Replace a specific component, connection, type, standard or property by using ABACUS' Find and Replace facility.

To find an item

1.Click the node of the tree you'd like to search within.

2.Select Edit | Find or press Ctrl + F.

3.Enter the text for the item to find in the 'Find what' field.

4.Click Find Next.

To replace an item

1.Click the node of the tree you'd like to search within.

2.Select Edit | Replace or press Ctrl + H.

3.Enter the text for the item to find in the 'Find what' field and the text to replace it with in the 'Replace with' field (or nothing if the field is left blank).

4.Click Find Next to find the first instance of the 'Find what' text and click Replace to replace this instance with the 'Replace with' text or click Replace All to replace all the instances.

You have the options to:

oMatch its case,

oMatch the whole word,

oSearch from the beginning of the project,

oInclude architectures - that is the architecture nodes themselves.  Any nodes beneath the architecture nodes such as the components and connections will be searched regardless of this option,

oInclude components - that is the component nodes themselves,

oInclude connections - that is the connection nodes themselves,

oInclude standards - that is all architecture, component and connection standard nodes will be included,

oInclude types - that is the type nodes themselves.  Any constraint nodes under the type nodes will still be searched,

oInclude templates and contents - that is the template nodes themselves as well as any template component and connection nodes beneath them,

oInclude properties - that is all the property types, names, values and units of all the model's elements will be included,

oInclude descriptions - that is the descriptions of all the model's elements will be included.

See Also

How is an architecture represented in ABACUS


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