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Opening diagrams





The drawing stencil and canvas windows appears automatically when a diagram is opened or created. Similarly, when a diagram is closed, the corresponding tabbed sheet in the canvas window disappears and if no further drawings are open then the stencil window is closed.

To create a new Diagram

1.Ensure you have an ABACUS file open containing your populated architecture.

2.Click on the Diagram icon in the View toolbar.

- or -

2.Select Insert | Diagram.

- or -

2.Right-click the Diagrams branch of a given Architecture section of the tree and select Create Diagram.

3.Select the Viewpoint you want to use from the tree

4.Select the Architecture you want to focus on from the pull-down menu.  Note: the architecture will be selected and locked for you if you used the third option above to open the new diagram.

5.Enter a New Name for the diagram (It will contain a unique default name initially).

6.Click OK.


A new diagram will be added to the Diagrams branch of the selected architecture. You can rename it at any time by right-clicking on it.

To create a Drill-Down Diagram

1.Open the context-menu via Right-click on a Component Shape on a Diagram.

2.Select the Viewpoint you wish to use after expanding the Create Drill-Down Diagram... option.

- or -

1.Open the context-menu via Right-click on a Component in the Explorer or Catalogue.

2.Select the Viewpoint you wish to use after expanding the Create Drill-Down Diagram... option.

- or -

1.Select a Component in the Explorer or a Component Shape on a Diagram.

2.Select Insert | Drill-Down Diagram and select the Viewpoint you wish to use.


Only Viewpoints that the Component Shape exist in will be available to select, and the viewpoint will also limit which connected Components will be shown on the Drill-Down Diagram.

To open an existing Diagram

1.In the specific populated architecture, expand the Diagrams branch of the tree.

2.Double-click the diagram you want to open.

- or -

1.Click the diagram symbol in the toolbar.

2.Navigate through the architectures and groups to find the diagram you want to open and Left-click it.

To save a Diagram

1.Ensure that you have a new or existing diagram open and you have made the necessary changes.  Note: an asterisk '*' will be shown after the view name in the tabbed sheet header if there are changes to be saved.

2.In the explorer view click on the Save button or got to File | Save or depress Ctrl + S to save all changes in your architecture and write it to file.

To save a Diagram as a Viewpoint

1.Ensure that you have an existing diagram in your ABACUS file.

2.Right-click the diagram in the Diagrams part of the tree.

3.Select Save As Diagram Viewpoint.

4.Enter a name for your new diagram viewpoint and click OK

See Also

The Drawing Tool |  Populating your architecture | Analysing your architecture



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