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Copying diagrams





There are 2 basic scenarios to copying an existing diagram; within an architecture, or across architectures.

To copy a diagram within an architecture

1.Ensure you have an ABACUS file open containing your populated architecture with at least one diagram.

2.Expand the Diagrams branch (and any required Diagram groups) of a given Architecture section of the tree.

3.Select the diagram you wish to copy and then press Ctrl + C or right-click and select Copy from the menu.


A copy of the diagram will be added to the Diagrams branch of the same architecture. It will have "Copy of " appended to the start of the name, which you can change later by pressing F2 or right-clicking on it and selecting Rename.

To copy diagrams across architectures

1.Ensure you have an ABACUS file open containing your populated architecture with at least one diagram.

2.Expand the Diagrams branch (and any required Diagram groups) of a given Architecture section of the tree.

3.Select the diagram/s you wish to copy and then press Ctrl + C or right-click and select Copy from the menu.

4.Find the Diagrams branch of the Architecture you are copying to and select the location you are going to copy to, then press Ctrl + V or right-click and select Paste from the menu.

5.Optionally, you can select to Merge diagram elements with existing elements if ABACUS detects any matching elements in the target Architecture which will default to using the existing elements for the copied diagram instead of creating duplicate elements.


This does not merge properties, if you wish to prioritise using the properties from the elements being copied over, you will need to select the duplicate option and merge them manually via the explorer where appropriate.

See Also

The Drawing Tool |  Populating your architecture | Analysing your architecture


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