Navigation: Populating your architecture >

Overview of steps





The process of building a model of your architecture is known as populating. Once you've discovered your architecture and identified your requirements, you are ready to model your architecture in ABACUS. 

During population, you'll enter all of the details you know about your architecture and what's required of it.

To populate your architecture

1.Ensure you have an ABACUS file open, an explorer displayed, and an architecture added.

2.Manually populate the higher-level components and connections of your architecture. Typically this will be the more abstract components and connections.

- or -

2.Graphically populate the components and connections that you would like see represented diagrammatically, using the Drawing Tool.

You may also want to

3.Populate using Catalogues - you can view and components and connections in a simple tabular way.

4.Populate using Matrices - you can view and edit the connections between components in a simple tabular way.

5.Populate from Microsoft Access - you can import an architecture from and export to Microsoft Access.

6.Populate from Microsoft Visio - you can import an architecture from and export to Microsoft Visio.

7.Populate from Microsoft Excel - you can import an architecture from and export to Microsoft Excel.

8.Populate from Microsoft SharePoint - you can import an architecture from and export to Microsoft SQL Server.

9.Populate from Microsoft SQL Server - you can import an architecture from Microsoft SQL Server.

10.Import from XML - you can import an architecture from an ABACUS XML fragment or an ArchiMate Interchange Language XML file.

See Also

Populating your architecture manually |  The Drawing Tool |  Populating your architecture from Microsoft Access |  Populating your architecture from Microsoft Visio |  Populating your architecture from Microsoft Excel


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