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SSO Configuration





Both user groups and feature groups can be configured for automated SSO (Single sign-on) group assignment by either setting groups as default groups or setting a groups SSO Identifier.


If you have configured your collaboration project to be synchronised with SSO Identification on your Enterprise server, your manual assignment and default group settings will be overridden and SSO identifiers must be set. One exemption will be the last administrator will be left as is if removing them would result in no administrators.

To set a Group as default

Groups that are set as default will be automatically assigned to newly provisioned SSO users.

1.Select File | Manage Users/Groups

2.Click the group you wish to make default.

3.Click the Set Default button.

To set a SSO Identifier on a Group

Groups that have SSO identifier/s set will be automatically assigned to the users with the matching SSO identifier/s and unassigned from every group without a matching identifier.

1.Select File | Manage Users/Groups

2.Click the Edit Group button.

3.Enter in the SSO identifier text box the identifier/s you wish these groups to apply to. To enter multiple, you must separate them by commas e.g “group1, group2, group3”.

See Also

Managing Users and Groups

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