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What is the ABACUS Analytics Engine





The ABACUS.Console (ABACUS Analytics Engine) executable is included in the ABACUS installation for the purposes of running certain tasks in a console environment. One of these tasks is exposing a REST API, from which data from ABACUS can be exposed as a web service.

REST APIs conform to the REST (Representational State Transfer) architectural style which runs over HTTP/S. REST is stateless, therefore no states or sessions are maintained on the web server; instead all the information necessary to understand requests must be provided in the request from the client.

REST APIs will define URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) for each resource on the server that the client can access. The URI uniquely identifies the resource and the body contains the state (or state change) of that resource. The server then processes this request and the appropriate state is communicated back to the client via headers, status and response body.

See Also

Installing the ABACUS Analytics Engine on the Server | Querying the API | Command Line Options


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