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Deleting a component or connection





To delete a component or connection

1.Right-click on the component or connection.

2.Select Delete.


ABACUS will warn you which views will be affected by the deletion and ask you to confirm the deletion. This is because elements may exist on many diagrams and it pays to check what the proposed deletion will affect.


If you delete a component, all of its sub-components will also be deleted. You can choose to delete the internal and external connections to the component. If you choose not to delete them, the connections it's attached to will remain, but they will no longer be attached. All components and connections are of a particular Type. Deleting the component/connection has no impact on the Type (in the Types branch of the tree). Similarly, if the component/connection has a Standard assigned, deletion will have no impact on the master in the Standards branch.

See Also

Populating your architecture - Overview 


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