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Creating or duplicating an architecture





You can have any number of architectures in a single ABACUS file. Typically, you'd create a new architecture each time you want to model and evaluate an evolution of your system.

To create a new architecture

1.Right-click on the Architectures branch of the tree.

2.Select New Architecture.

To create a copy of an existing architecture

1.Right-click on the architecture.

2.Select Copy.

3.Right-click on the Architectures branch of the tree.

4.Select Paste.

5.The new architecture will be called 'Copy of...'.

To evolve an existing architecture

1.Right-click on the architecture.

2.Select Evolve.

3.The new architecture will be called '... .1'.


There is a detailed description on evolving architectures here.

See Also

How is an architecture represented in ABACUS | Evolving your architecture


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