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Viewing a capability space chart





A Capability Space chart allows you to view whether your architecture fulfils the required system capability with respect to properties identified during system requirement analysis process.

To view a capability space chart

1.Ensure you have an ABACUS file open containing your populated architecture, and that you have evaluated your architecture.

2.Select Insert | Chart | Custom Charts | Capability Space. (The Capability Space Chart Config dialog will display.)

3.In the Architectures section, tick the architectures you wish to chart, then click Next.

4.In the Properties area, tick the architectural properties you would like included as the axes of the chart.

5.In the Capability area, for each property included from the previous step, select whether any Minimum or Maximum capability limits exist and the values of those limits. The default values are the minimum and maximum values evaluated for the architectures or the goal for the property if it has been set.

To export a capability space chart

1.Ensure you have an existing capability space chart open.

2.In the chart toolbar click on the leftmost Save As BMP button and chose the location for the chart.

3.Click Save.

See Also

Analysing your architecture | Viewing a response time chart


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