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Working with ABACUS files





An ABACUS file is a container for a model of your architecture. Within a single ABACUS file, you can model any number of architectures any number of times.

When you first open ABACUS, there are no files open. To work on your architecture, you have to either create a new file, or open an existing file.

When you open or create a new file, a tree in the explorer window will automatically display. This explorer view shows you your architecture to date. When you close the file, the tree in the explorer window will also disappear.

To create a new ABACUS file

1.Select File | New ...

2.In the New Project dialog that appears (as shown below) Choose to either create a blank model, a model from a standard ABACUS library, a model from a custom ABACUS library, a model from XML, MS Access, MS Visio, MS Excel, MS SQL Server, an Collaboration Server model or a custom ABACUS library (.abacuslib file).

3.Click on the OK button and follow any dialogs that may appear.


You won't be asked to name the file until you save or close it. It's a good idea to save your file as soon as you create it. Then you won't have to worry about naming it later on in the process when you're concentrating on other complex things (like populating your architecture).


Create a New Project

ABACUS Standard Libraries

ABACUS supports over 100 public frameworks and notations some of which are shown below. When choosing to create a new project from a standard library users have a quick start to modelling within an establish framework taking full advantage of any defined element types, attributes, notations, viewpoints and templates or patterns. Additional standard libraries are freely available through the Avolution Community here.


New Project from Standard Library

To save a new ABACUS file

1.Select File | Save As


Filenames can be any length, and can contain any alpha-numeric characters and spaces. They cannot contain the tilde (~) character, the pipe (|) character, the question mark (?), or the characters normally used for path descriptions such as the backslash (\) - except as part of the path.

To open an existing ABACUS file

1.Select File | Open


If you are opening a file from a shared network location that is already open to another user, ABACUS will provide you with Read Only access. When using ABACUS with Read Only access, you will not be able to perform write operations, such as populating your architecture and running evaluators. You can, however, view your architecture using the explorer view and 3D views.


When opening an ABACUS file, you can select the checkbox located in the bottom left corner to open any ABACUS file as a new library.


If you have Google Drive, OneDrive or OneDrive for Business you will be able to access your network repository via the File -> Open dialog where you can switch between your hard drive and your connected cloud networks.

See Also

How is an architecture represented in ABACUS?


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